Suicide First Aid Understanding Intervention Outline

Suicide First Aid Lite: Virtual the Internationally recognised half day qualification to respond to someone experiencing a suicidal crisis. For prices click here : Price List

This course is:

• The One Day course for Suicide First Aid
• Endorsed by UK ‘Skills for Health’ framework
• Assured by City & Guilds with the option to enrol in City & Guilds Level 4 Accredited Unit of Learning
• Also receiving a Certification on completion of written assignment towards this unit of learning

There are:

• No pre-training requirement

Course content:

SFAUSI is comprised of 4 parts, each 90 minutes duration. The programme teaches and practices the skills and knowledge needed to identify someone who may be thinking about suicide and competently intervene to help create suicide- safety as a first aid approach.

Part 1 – 09:15 to 11:00

• Introduction to: the day; programme; ourselves and suicide prevention
• Stigma, Survivors of bereavement by suicide and the Hidden Toll
• Suicide thoughts and suicide behaviour
• Intention of behaviour Versus Outcome of behaviour
• Possible Causes of Suicidal thoughts

Part 2 – 11:15 to 12:45

• Suicide – the Ripple Effect
• Population-based approach to suicide prevention
• Partnership working
• Working with attitudes and values
• “I’m so glad you told me” – Audio visual

Part 3 – 13:30 to 14:45

• Meeting the needs of a person who is thinking about suicide
• Suicide-Safety Guide
• Step 1 – Recognising suicide and asking about suicide
• Step 2 – Understanding options

Part 4 – 15:00 to 16:30

• Step 3 – Safeguarding suicide
• Suicide-safety and self-care
• The risk assessment approach
• Suicide and suicide gestures
• Future learning

Suicide First Aid Understanding Intervention (SFAUI)

training offers learning outcomes that are knowledge based and factual. This training can be used as a stand-alone programme or as the first part of a journey to learn suicide prevention skills.

Suitable For?

Multi-sector managers and practitioners including health, housing, social care, education, criminal justice, call centre operators, private, voluntary and public sector workers and community groups or members.

Suicide Prevention Webinar



This webinar aims to teach the basic skills needed to identify someone who may be thinking about suicide and to enable them to engage the support they need , eventually signposting that person onto a suicide first aider or other professional support.

The insight gained from this webinar on the topic of suicide and the continuum that prevails will aid learners to become more aware of their interactions with people potentially needing support.  

Date: March 22, 2023

Time: Wednesday, 6:00 – 7:30 PM

Facilitator Name:  Michelle Kelly

The learning outcomes aim to raise your insight so that you can spot the early signs of someone needing support, before they escalate to crisis point. Statistics show that the earlier intervention takes place the better the outcomes are for a fuller recovery.

  • Understand how language and the Stigma that can be attached can hinder or aid the support of someone in crisis.
  • Understand the Suicide Continuum
  • Understand the Intention of behavior versus outcome of behavior 
  • Postvention, responding to safeguard after an incident
  • Understand the importance of self-care when supporting others in crisis

For more information on this webinar please visit:

For more information on choose love events please visit:

NEW MHFA Adult Course Info (Online/Face-to-face)

Course outcomes
As an MHFAider® you will be able to:

  • Recognise those that may be experiencing poor mental health and provide them with first-level support and early intervention
  • Encourage a person to identify and access sources of professional help and other supports
  • Practise active listening and empathy
  • Have a conversation with improved mental health literacy around language and stigma
  • Discuss the MHFAider® role in depth, including boundaries and confidentiality
  • Practise self-care
  • Know how to use the MHFAider Support App®
  • Know how to access a dedicated text service provided by Shout and ongoing learning opportunities with MHFA England

Online or face-to-face course structured across four flexible sessions. Each session is a maximum of 3hrs 45mins and sessions can be delivered within a two-week period.

Learners will be trained over four live sessions with an MHFA England Instructor Member, covering 14 hours of content in total.

Learning takes place through a mix of instructor led training, group discussions, individual and group activities.

Each session builds on the previous, enabling the learner to gain confidence in supporting others with a Mental Health First Aid action plan.

We limit numbers to 16 people per course so that instructors can keep people safe and supported while they learn.

We strive for all of our learning content to be as accessible and inclusive as possible.

Everyone who completes this course gets:
A hard copy workbook to support their learning throughout the course
A digital manual to refer to whenever they need it after completing the course
A wallet-sized reference card with the Mental Health First Aid action plan
A digital MHFAider® certificate
Access to the MHFAider Support App® for three years
Access to ongoing learning opportunities, resources and exclusive events 
The opportunity to be part of the largest MHFAider® community in England

Session 1
• Mental Health First Aid and the action plan
• The MHFAider® role and self-care
• Helpful and unhelpful language 
• Useful models to support the role

Session 2
• What influences mental health? 
• What is anxiety? 
• Crisis first aid
• Active listening and empathy 
• What are eating disorders? 
• What is self-harm? 
• What is substance misuse? 

Session 3
• Applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan
• What is depression? 
• What is suicide? 
• Crisis first aid continued
• What is psychosis? 

Session 4
• Recovery and lived experience 
• Boundaries in the MHFAider® role
• Moving forward in the MHFAider® role 
• My MHFA action plan 

Suicide First Aid Lite (SFA Lite)

Course Overview

The Suicide First Aid Lite (Virtual) course gives learners the knowledge and tools to understand that suicide is one of the most preventable deaths and some basic skills can help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe from their thoughts and stay alive.

This course is:

• The Half Day course for Suicide First Aid

• Endorsed by UK ‘Skills for Health’ framework

• Assured by City & Guilds

• Option for learner to register for assured digital badge/certificate for £30

There are:

• No pre-training requirement

Course content:

SFA Lite is comprised of 2 parts, each 90 minutes duration. The programme teaches the skills needed to identify someone who may be thinking about suicide and to pass the person onto a suicide first aider.

Part 1 – 9:30 to 11:00

• Introduction to the session; programme, ourselves and suicide prevention

• Stigma and survivors of bereavement by suicide and the Hidden Toll

• Suicide thoughts and suicide behaviour

• Intention of behaviour versus outcome of behaviour

• Possible causes of suicide thoughts

• Suicide – the ripple effect


Part 2 – 11:30 to 13:00

• ‘I’m really glad you told me’ audio visual

• Suicide Safety Guidance

• Recognising and asking about suicide

• Referring a person onto suicide first aiders

End of Day

Suicide First Aid Lite

Suicide First Aid Lite (Virtual) training offers learning outcomes that are knowledge based and factual. This training can be used as a stand-alone programme or as the first part of a journey to learn suicide prevention skills.

MHFA 1 Day Course Online/Classroom

This course is available as either an online or face-to-face training session.

This one-day course trains you as an MHFA Champion, giving you:
·       An understanding of common mental health issues 
·       Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness
·       Ability to spot signs of mental ill health
·       Skills to support positive wellbeing

 Format: One day face-to-face or Online course

This is a one-day course delivered either face-to-face or via online video conferencing
Learning takes place through a mix of presentations, group discussions and workshop activities
We limit numbers to 16 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn
Session 1
·       About Mental Health First Aid
·       About mental health and stress in the workplace 
·       Stigma and discrimination
·       Depression
·       Anxiety disorders
·       Other mental health issues (eating disorders, self-harm, psychosis)
·       Early warning signs of mental ill health
·       Alcohol, drugs and mental health
Session 2
·       Applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan
·       Action 1: Approach the person, assess and assist with any crisis
·       Suicide
·       Action 2: Listen and communicate non-judgementally
·       Action 3: Give support and information
·       Action 4: Encourage the person to get appropriate professional help
·       Action 5: Encourage other supports
·       Recovery
·       Building a mentally healthy workplace
·       Action planning for using MHFA

MHFA 1/2 Day Course Online/Classroom

This course is available as either an online or face-to-face training session.

This course raises awareness of mental health. It covers:
• What mental health is and how to challenge stigma
• A basic knowledge of some common mental health issues
• An introduction to looking after your own mental health and maintaining wellbeing
• Confidence to support someone in distress or who may be experiencing a mental health issue

Format: One day face-to-face or Online course
This is a half day course (4 hours) delivered either face-to-face or via online video conferencing
Learning takes place through a mix of presentations, group discussions and workshop activities
We limit numbers to 25 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn

Four Hour Session
• What is mental health?
• Mental Health Continuum
• Factors which affect mental health
• Stigma
• Stress and stress management
• Spotting signs of distress
• Mental health conditions:
o Depression
o Anxiety disorders
o Psychosis
o Eating disorders
o Suicide
o Self-harm
• Recovery
• Take 10 Together – starting a supportive conversation
• Supporting mental health in the workplace
• Useful statistics
• Helpful resources

The Nubian Team (TNT) We are back for session 2!

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Ladies, it’s time to make a difference join The Nubian Team (TNT) as we take you on a journey of self discovery with our second session!


To download and share the flyer as a PDF Click Here

Pitch Your Brand!

Pitch your brand to our group. Local Entrepreneurs and business people we’ll help to get you out there.

Get On It

Discussing a key topic, thoughts and opinions in a

non-judgemental location. (See Eventbrite for Topic!)

Online and In-person

We have a safe space to talk and connect with other likeminded individuals – Find out more please get in touch with us.

Help & Support

Find out what’s happening in your community and where to get support.

Let’s speak the unspoken and stand firm in who we are and what we do!

Our organisational Project to breakdown the narrative of mental health is called RESPECT which stands for: Respecting, Every, Single, Perspective/Person’s, Emotional, Challenge, Together.

We hope that embodying RESPECT we can make this Podcast/Group a safe space to be genuine, to cry, to hurt, to deal with shame and all the things that life throws at us, including the ‘Inequalities’ that impact women.

Our Women’s group is launching thanks to the support of Heart Of England that have funded the project. It will consists of three strands:

  1. Quarterly online podcast
  2. Face to face workshops
  3. Community events, so ‘Watch this space‘ for future updates!

We will have ‘Well Women Packs’ as guest give aways in our online competitions and face to face groups.

Sadly , Black women we are 4 times more likely to die in pregnancy or giving birth than our white counterparts.(BBC, 2022)

45% of Black women working in white-collar jobs in the UK believe they will be overlooked for promotion despite having equal competence as a non-Black female colleague. (Black Women In The UK Workplace Online)

All of these intersectionalities will have an impact on our Mental Health.

We will discuss the issues that raise the uncomfortableness, while facilitating a safe space that we can Support and Empower each other. Most importantly RESPECT each other. Respecting, Every, Single, Perspective/Person’s, Emotional, Challenge, Together.

How to join the event:

Or give us a call office: 0121 389 4922, Mobile: 07731523297

We hope to see you on the day!

We would like to thank our partners and sponsors for being apart of The Nubian Team (TNT)

Heart of England, Umbrella, Catalyst 4 Change, Got Da Juice

Special Thank You

Dear members thank you, for all the positive feedback and follow ups you have given.

The picture and message was from a member that attend the first TNT session.

“Had a Fabulous time on the walk this morning. Lovely to meet you all, looking forward to next time. Got home and opened the “little goody bag” As Letisha Gordon called it. Nothing little about it lots of treats to use!! Thank you so much.”

Had a Fabulous time on the walk this morning. Lovely to meet you all, looking forward to next time. Got home and opened the "little goody bag" As Letisha Gordon called it. Nothing little about it lots of treats to use!! Thank you so much.

Youth MHFA 2 Day Course Online

Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA®) courses are for everyone who works with, lives with or supports young people aged 8-18. They will teach you the skills and confidence to spot the signs of mental health issues in a young person, offer first aid and guide them towards the support they need. In doing so, you can speed up a young person’s recovery and stop a mental health issue from getting worse.

Our courses won’t teach you to be a therapist, but we will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis – and even potentially stop a crisis from happening.

But more than that, we aim to give you the information and skills to look after your own mental health so that you can set an example for young people. By giving you the tools to have these conversations, we hope to empower you to create a mentally healthy, supportive environment in your family, school, peer group or community.

This online course trains you as a Youth Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®), giving you:

  • An in-depth understanding of young people’s mental health and factors that affect wellbeing
  • Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
  • Confidence to reassure and support a young person in distress
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening
  • Knowledge to help a young person recover their health by guiding them to further support – whether that’s through self-help sites, their place of learning, the NHS, or a mix – engaging with parents, carers and external agencies where appropriate
  • Ability to support a young person with a long-term mental health issue or disability to thrive
  • Tools to look after your own mental wellbeing ​

Session 1: Introduction

Individual learning (1 hour 15 minutes):

  • Introduction to the Online Youth Mental Health First Aid course and the Online Learning Hub
  • Activity 1: Why Youth Mental Health First Aid?
  • Activity 2: What is ALGEE? 
  • Activity 3: What is mental health?
  • Activity 4: Mental health and stigma 
  • Activity 5: Mental health quiz: Impact of mental health
  • Activity 6: Risk and protective factors for mental health 
  • Activity 7: The Stress Container 

Live session (2 hours 35 minutes):

Introduction to the course

  • Outline of live session 1, the value of Youth Mental Health First Aid
  • Introduce ALGEE
  • Recap what mental health is
  • Recap the Mental Health Continuum
  • Stigma
  • Recap why Youth Mental Health First Aid is important
  • Recap risk and protective factors
  • The Stress Container
  • The Frame of Reference Session 2:

Session 2: depression, Anxiety and self-care

  • Individual learning (1 hour 15 minutes):
  • Activity 8: Your Stress Container
  • Activity 9: Your Frame of Reference
  • Activity 10: What is depression?
  • Activity 11: What is anxiety?

Live session (2 hours 10 minutes):

  • Introduction to live session 2
  • Recap of homework after live session 1
  • Recap depression
  • Signs and symptoms of depression in a young person
  • Recap anxiety
  • Signs and symptoms of anxiety in a young person
  • ALGEE for depression and anxiety in a young person
  • ALGEE for depression and anxiety, action 1
  • ALGEE for depression and anxiety, action 2-5
  • Self-care and close

Session 3: Suicide and Psychosis

Individual learning (1 hour 20 minutes)

  • Activity 12: Adolescent brain development
  • Activity 13: About suicide
  • Activity 14: Suicide risk factors
  • Activity 15: What is psychosis?
  • Activity 16: Lived experience of psychosis
  • Activity 17: ALGEE for psychosis

Live session (2 hours 5 minutes)

  • Introduction to live session 3
  • Recap suicide
  • Explore the impact of suicidal feelings
  • ALGEE for suicidal crisis
  • Practice non-judgemental listening skills
  • Recap psychosis
  • Recap warning signs and symptoms of psychosis
  • Recap ALGEE for psychosis

Session 4: Self-harm, recovery and action planning

  • Individual learning (1 hour 35 minutes)
  • Activity 18: What is self-harm?
  • Activity 19: What are eating disorders?
  • Activity 20: Resilience
  • Workbook activity 7: My action plan for using Youth Mental Health First Aid (completed after live session)

Live session (2 hours 25 minutes)

  • Introduction to live session 4
  • Recap self-harm, the self-harm continuum
  • Warning signs of self-harm in young people
  • ALGEE for self-harm
  • Recap eating disorders
  • ALGEE for eating disorders
  • Applying MHFA to family and carers; the Recovery Tree
  • Evaluation forms and close

MHFA Youth Online Course Info

This online course trains you as a Youth Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®), giving you:

  • An in-depth understanding of young people’s mental health and factors that affect wellbeing
  • Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
  • Confidence to reassure and support a young person in distress
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening

Knowledge to help a young person recover their health by guiding them to further support – whether that’s through self-help sites, their place of learning, the NHS, or a mix – engaging with parents, carers and external agencies where appropriate
Ability to support a young person with a long-term mental health issue or disability to thrive
Tools to look after your own mental wellbeing

This is an online course delivered through the MHFA England Online Learning Hub
Learning takes place through four live training sessions spread across one to two weeks, with self-learning activities in between. See course structure section below for more detail
Each session is built around a Youth Mental Health First Aid action plan
We limit numbers to 16 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn

Everyone who completes the course gets:
A certificate of attendance to say you are a Youth MHFAider®
A Youth MHFAider® manual to refer to whenever you need it
A workbook including some helpful tools to support your own mental health

Live Session 1
Youth Mental Health First Aid and mental health:

• Why Youth Mental Health First Aid?
• The Youth MHFA action plan: ALGEE
• What is mental health?
• The Mental Health Continuum
• Stigma and language
• Risk and protective factors
• The Stress Container
• Frame of Reference

• Live session 2 outline
• Depression and anxiety:
• Recap of depression
• Signs and symptoms of depression
• Recap of anxiety
• Signs and symptoms of anxiety
• The MHFA action plan for depression and anxiety: ALGEE
• Self-care

• Live session 3 outline
• Suicide and psychosis:
• Recap of suicide
• First aid for suicidal crisis
• Recap of psychosis
• Crisis first aid for acute psychosis
• The MHFA action plan for psychosis: ALGEE

• Live session 4 outline
• Self-harm and eating disorders:
• Recap of self-harm
• The MHFA action plan for self-harm: ALGEE
• Recap of eating disorders
• The MHFA action plan for eating disorders: ALGEE
• Recovery

MHFA Youth Course Classroom Info
This two-day course trains you as a Youth Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®), giving you:

  • An in-depth understanding of young people’s mental health and factors that affect wellbeing
  • Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
  • Confidence to reassure and support a young person in distress
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening
  • Knowledge to help a young person recover their health by guiding them to further support – whether that’s through self-help sites, their place of learning, the NHS, or a mix – engaging with parents, carers and external agencies where appropriate
  • Ability to support a young person with a long term mental health issue or disability to thrive
  • Tools to look after your own mental wellbeing

Two-day face-to-face course delivered across four manageable sessions
Each session is built around a Youth Mental Health First Aid action plan
Learning takes place through a mix of presentations, group discussions and workshop activities
We limit numbers to 16 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn

Everyone who completes the course gets:
A certificate of attendance to say you are a Youth MHFAider®
A Youth MHFAider® manual to refer to whenever you need it
A workbook including some helpful tools to support your own mental health

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Session 1
Youth Mental Health First Aid
• About Youth Mental Health First Aid
• Context: England’s child health care policy
• About mental health – facts and figures
• Risk factors for mental ill health
• Protective factors for mental health
• Preventing mental health issues and promoting wellbeing
• The Youth MHFA action plan: ALGEE

Session 2
Depression and anxiety
• About depression – facts and figures
• Signs and symptoms
• Risk factors
• About anxiety disorders – facts and figures
• Signs and symptoms
• Risk factors
• The MHFA action plan for depression and anxiety: ALGEE
Session 3
Suicide and psychosis
• About suicide
• Risk factors and warning signs for suicide
• First aid for suicidal crisis
• About psychosis
• Risk factors and warning signs of psychosis
• Types of psychotic disorders
• Crisis first aid for acute psychosis
• The MHFA action plan for psychosis: ALGEE

Session 4
Self-harm and eating disorders
• About self-harm – facts and figures
• Risk factors
• Signs and symptoms
• The MHFA action plan for self-harm: ALGEE
• About eating disorders – facts and figures
• Different types of eating disorders
• The MHFA action plan for eating disorders: ALGEE
• Recovery

Youth MHFA 1 Day Course Online/Classroom

This one-day course trains you as a Youth MHFA Champion, giving you:

  • An understanding of common mental health issues and how they can affect young people
  • Ability to spot signs of mental ill health in young people and guide them to a place of support
  • Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness
  • Skills to support positive wellbeing

Format: One day face-to-face or Online course

Learning takes place through a mix of presentations, group discussions and workshop activities

We limit numbers to 16 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn

Session 1

  • Why Youth MHFA One Day?
  • What is mental health and mental ill health?
  • Stigma and discrimination
  • The Mental Health First Aid action plan
  • Depression
  • Suicide

Session 2

  • Anxiety
  • Self-harm
  • Eating disorders
  • Psychosis
  • Recovery
  • Resilience

Referral form

We can offer you more in-depth help and support, please complete the referral form connected to the button below and our helpful team will be intouch

Make a referral

Support Resources

If you are in need of immediate help and support, we have put together a list of local and national services that could help you.

Crisis SupportYouth SupportFathers Support

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